Volunteering is the effort made by individuals for their community, driven by their own motivation without expecting compensation. It involves taking on some responsibilities in the field of humanitarian and social work. The International Organization for Human Rights and Refugee Affairs adopts the activation and promotion of the culture of volunteer work to develop the community and benefit from all volunteer efforts by enhancing the capabilities of volunteers and realizing their potential through training them in various areas of charitable work. Therefore, we launched this website to be a starting point for investing the efforts of volunteers and motivating them to participate actively by contributing to the establishment of civil society organizations that complement the role of public and private sector institutions in the country, to achieve the vision of the International Organization for Human Rights and Refugee Affairs 2030.
You can subscribe to our volunteering service to start participating in charitable events.
You can join us and support charitable work, or be an ambassador for good intentions.
The International Organization for Human Rights and Refugee Affairs is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization licensed by the United States. It operates under the umbrella of the United Nations and the European Union, focusing on the protection of human rights and advocating for the rights of refugees. The organization is dedicated to safeguarding the freedoms and human rights of individuals and defending the rights of refugees.
Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved.
التطوع هو الجهد الذي يقوم به الإنسان لمجتمعه بدافع منه ودون انتظار مقابل. قاصداً بذلك تحمل بعض المسئوليات في مجال العمل الإنساني والاجتماعي. وتتبنى “المنظمة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان وشؤون اللاجئين” تفعيل ونشر ثقافة العمل التطوعي لتنمية المجتمع والاستفادة من كل الجهود التطوعية، عبر تنمية قدرات المتطوعين وتحقيق ذواتهم من خلال تدريبهم على المجالات المختلفة في العمل الخيري. لذلك أطلقنا هذا الموقع ليكون نقطة انطلاق لاستثمار جهود المتطوعين وتحفيزهم على المشاركة الفعالة، عبر المساهمة في تأسيس منظمات المجتمع المدني المكمّلة لدور مؤسسات القطاعين العمومي والخاص في الدولة لتحقيق رؤية المنظمة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان وشؤون اللاجئين 2030.
ميثاق العمل التطوعي يُنظم علاقة المتطوع بالمبادرة. ويعتبر مرجعاً عاماً لجميع المنتسبين لها. وهو قابل للتعديل أو بإضافة ملاحق عليه، متى اقتضت الحاجة بقرار من مجلس الإدارة، بما يتناسب مع أهداف ووسائل مبادرة العمل التطوعي:
Volunteering is the effort made by individuals for their community, driven by their own motivation without expecting compensation. It involves taking on some responsibilities in the field of humanitarian and social work. The International Organization for Human Rights and Refugee Affairs adopts the activation and promotion of the culture of volunteer work to develop the community and benefit from all volunteer efforts by enhancing the capabilities of volunteers and realizing their potential through training them in various areas of charitable work. Therefore, we launched this website to be a starting point for investing the efforts of volunteers and motivating them to participate actively, by contributing to the establishment of civil society organizations that complement the role of public and private sector institutions in the country, to achieve the vision of the International Organization for Human Rights and Refugee Affairs 2030.
The Volunteer Work Charter regulates the relationship between the volunteer and the initiative. It serves as a general reference for all its members. It is subject to modification or the addition of appendices when necessary, by a decision from the Board of Directors, in line with the goals and means of the volunteer work initiative.